Types of Diseases From Cockroaches


The first image that may come to mind when thinking of a cockroach infestation is one that’s filled with dirt, filth, bad hygiene, disease, and overall you may get a feeling of disgust. If you’ve found yourself with a cockroach infestation and aren’t sure if you should get an exterminator or not, then this blog is for you! Priority Pest & Mosquito Solutions aims to provide the OKC community with services that create a safe environment for everyone. Cockroaches carry many harmful diseases that people might not realize. Below we have provided a deep dive into different types of diseases from cockroaches, how cockroach diseases spread, how to prevent a cockroach infestation, and where you can find professional cockroach exterminators!

Types of Diseases From Cockroaches

A cockroach infestation is a business or homeowner’s worst nightmare because cockroaches don’t only cause damage to a structure, but they can spread disease and illness to the inhabitants of the infestation. Below is a list of diseases that cockroaches can contract and spread.


A Campylobacteriosis infection is the most common diarrheal illness in the U.S. that’s from the Campylobacter bacteria typically caused by eating raw or undercooked poultry. Cockroaches can contaminate any food they have touched with Campylobacteriosis. 


Cholera is a fatal bacterial disease that attacks the small intestine that’s typically transmitted through an infected water supply. Cholera is a common worldwide infection that cockroaches spread via their feces and/or saliva and it causes vomiting and diarrhea.


Dysentery is an infection of the intestines that comes with mucusy and bloody diarrhea–YUCK! It is caused by the transmission of bacteria from a parasite.


Gastroenteritis is when the stomach and intestines become inflamed from bacterial toxins, or from a viral infection. Symptoms are typically vomiting and diarrhea. 


Giardia is a small parasite that infects the stomach resulting in severe diarrhea, gas, stomach cramps, nausea, dehydration, dizziness, and sometimes fever. It is transmitted via contaminated surfaces, soil, food, and/or water. 


Leprosy is a contagious disease that greatly affects your mucus membranes, nerves, and skin, resulting in discoloration and lumps on your skin. In severe cases of Leprosy, deformities and disfigurement may occur. 


Listeriosis is an infection that’s caused by Listeria monocytogenes germs. It typically affects newborns, pregnant women, older adults, and people with compromised immune systems. Symptoms align mostly with the flu but you may still have symptoms up to 2 months after it’s out of your system.


Chances are, you’ve heard of Salmonellosis before. The bacteria Salmonella lives in the intestinal tracts of animals and is transmitted to humans via contaminated food. Common symptoms of it include diarrhea, fever, nausea, chills, headache, blood in the stool, and more.

Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is a life-threatening infection that needs attention right away. It is a more severe form of Salmonella Typhi and spreads rapidly. According to the World Health Organization, between 128,000 and 161,000 people die from it every year.

How Cockroach Diseases Spread

Due to the unsanitary state of cockroaches, they easily spread the diseases mentioned above in different ways including but not limited to:

  • Cockroach droppings
    • When a cockroach eats something that has been contaminated, the harmful bacteria lies dormant in a cockroach’s digestive tract and then spreads throughout your home by passing the harmful pathogens via their droppings. 
  • Cockroach saliva
    • Just like cockroach droppings, cockroach saliva harbors pathogens that were contracted from eating contaminated drink and food, then are transported throughout the infested area.
  • Direct contact
    • Now most people see a cockroach and either smash it or keep walking away. But for that small percentage of people who have cockroaches as pets or just don’t see the necessity to get rid of them, then at least be aware of the danger direct contact has. Not just food and drink, though. Anywhere a cockroach lives, like in the sewers, drains, garbage bins, etc. is a habitat full of harmful organisms, bacteria, and viruses. 
  • Eating/drinking contaminated food
    • The most common form of transmission of harmful bacteria and viruses from cockroaches comes from eating and/or drinking contaminated food and drink.
  • Inhaling contaminated air
    • An example of contaminated air would be like if there was a surplus of cockroach feces, vomit, shed skin, etc. This is especially dangerous for those who suffer from asthma or other breathing related difficulties.
  • Touching contaminated items
    • Simply touching a contaminated surface or item and then touching your eyes, mouth, nose, open wound, etc. puts you at risk from contracting a disease, leading to infection.

How to Prevent Cockroach Diseases from Spreading

There are many ways to prevent cockroach diseases from spreading. It can be as easy as thoroughly cleaning cooking surfaces regularly, as well as practicing food hand washing hygiene. You can also help prevent a cockroach infestation by keeping your home free of crumbs, and other things that might draw a cockroach to settle in your home. Ensuring all cracks and gaps in your home or business are filled is another way to help prevent cockroaches from getting into your home or business, wreaking havoc.

Professional Cockroach Cleanout at Priority Pest & Mosquito Solutions

Now that you know the damage that cockroaches can do not only to a building but also to your health if you have a cockroach infestation, then you know the importance of getting it taken care of asap. Give us a call to fulfill your cockroach removal needs. If you don’t have cockroaches, but rather a different kind of pest, check out our website to see all of our services. We specialize in treating mosquitos, cockroaches, fleas & ticks, gophers & moles, bed bugs, and more. We get that there are no days off when it comes to a pest problem, that’s why we’re open 24/7, 365 days a year! Your safety is our top priority, give us a call, text us, send us an email, or stop by in person and we guarantee that we will take care of your pest problems.